Welcome to
The Thomas Coram CE School

Thank you for the interest you have taken in our school. The pupils, staff and governors of The Thomas Coram CE School extend a very warm welcome to you.
We hope all children who come here will be happy and successful, and we look forward to working with you in a constructive and mutually respectful partnership to support your children’s learning, to live out our motto of building a family where we are ‘flourishing in learning and love’.
Miss L Hill
Head of School
Vision & Values

Our vision is flourishing in learning and love within a happy, Christian family.
Do everything in love
1 Corinthians 16:14
Our values are the ways that we seek to do things. As a Church of England federation, these are rooted in the Christian faith, but are values that are important to us, whatever our faith or background. The values are taught to children in order for them to have a knowledge and understanding of different life values and skills which will help to make them well rounded and valuable member of the community.
Learn more
Quotes from
Inspection Reports
- Reading has a high priority, and pupils love reading.
Ofsted, 2023 - Pupils feel secure and valued, behave well and make good progress.SIAMS, 2019
- Pupils happily attend this friendly school. Ofsted, 2023
- Pupils speak enthusiastically about Thomas Coram after whom the school is named and how his values, in line with their school vision and values, still inspire them today.SIAMS, 2019
- Pupils learn a broad, balance and rich curriculum. They develop their interests and improve their language through quality texts and interesting topics they study.Ofsted, 2023
- Inclusivity is powerfully embraced through an exceptional ethos.SIAMS, 2019
- Pupils understand British values, including the importance of valuing others' differences.Ofsted, 2023
- The inspirational leadership of the executive headteacher ensures that the school vision and values unequivocally set the direction and steer the work of school leaders and governors.SIAMS, 2019
- Pupils develop into well-rounded individuals. They are well prepared for transition to secondary school.
Ofsted, 2023 - Worship is open to those of different faiths or no faith through invitational 'time to think; time to pray.' One pupil describes how, 'You can agree or not, but it makes you think.'SIAMS, 2019
- Leaders are determined to ensure that all pupils learn the same ambitious curriculum. They work well with external agencies to ensure that pupils with complex needs receive the support they need.Ofsted, 2023
- School leaders and governors show commitment to health and wellbeing of both pupils and staff.SIAMS, 2019
Quotes from
- Meeting and making new friends in Year 3, and getting used to a larger school environment, and with lots of familiar faces for reassurance, is good preparation for the later transition to secondary school.Parent
- I have found through personal experience the move from infant to junior school has given the children the opportunity to develop their independence; I have also noticed a change in their maturity. At the end of Year 2, the transition was managed really well and has been seamless in my experience.Parent